Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Story Of Mountain Magic and Ravenwood Suzy Wong - One Long Journey!

The story of 3XCH/RU-CH Keystone's Red Ryder (Lacey) and her older brother 4XCH/2XRU-CH Taz is a long one - Literally! Both Lacey and Taz's sire is Mountain Magic or Chad. Chad is out of legondary Hall of Fame A-A setter champion Tekoa Mountain Sunrise ex Lookout Mona. One of the most productive setter crosses in the history of field trials producing at least half a dozen All-Age champions including Tommy B, Pacesetter's Equinox, Mona's Delight, T's Gunrunner and others. Field trialer Phil Gould of NJ bought Chad from Richard Giuliano (of RI and Guard Rail Fame) when he was less than a year old. As Mr. Giuliano told us he obtained Chad from Hall of Famer Gene Cassale (of CT, owner of HOF CH Guard Rail) and in turn Gene had gotten both Chad and a female littermate from Rich Robertson (of HOF Robertson Kennels in Payette, Idaho). As it was, Gene had the two setter pups and a full kennel of pointers so was looking to get rid of the two setter pups and continuing their journey. Thus from one coast to the other, and from one hall of fame kennel to the next it was a long journey for these two precosious pups! Once in the hands of Phil Gould he and Maggie Maier bred Chad to a stocky built setter bitch typical of cover dog breeding sired by Achy Brakey Jakee (he the sire of CH Pioneer Will and CH Centerfold Rose) and her dam by Grouse Ridge Been. The first breeding produced CH Taz. Taz was handed over to handler Robert Ecker of Midnight Kennel where he was deftly developed into a top notch cover dog. After the early returns on the success of CH Taz a repeat litter was achieved and produced CH Keystone's Red Ryder. I was fortunate enough to have friends like Phil and Maggie that gave Lacey to me as a 7 week old pup and Robert Ecker of Midnight Kennel who helped vault her to numerous titles! Oh, and in case you are wondering...... that other female pup sent to Gene Cassale from Rich Robertson was Ravenwood Suzy Wong. She eventually ended up with Pam Peete in Delaware and when bred to Smith setter Thumb's Up became the damn of horseback and Smith Setter Award winner 7XCH Ravenwood Riley, owned by Joe Cincotta and handled by Norm Basilone of NJ. And once again the pattern continued as when this cross was repeated Mr. Basilone won again with 2008 North Carolina Shooting Dog CH Ravenwood Pot O'Gold owned by John May.

So one long journey for two setter pups resulted in quite a record. One sired two multiple cover dog champions –4XCH Taz and 3XCH Keystone’s Red Ryder with 10 cover dog championship placements between them, the Flanagan Setter Derby Award, and a winner of the Grand National Grouse and Walking Futurity. The other was the mother of multiple horseback champions - 7XCH Ravenwood Riley and CH Ravenwood Pot'O Gold with 8 horseback championships between them, the Smith Setter Shooting Dog Award, and numerous other substantial wins. Literally one long journey.


Mike Spies said...

Craig --

Great job on the blog! Great to have more history on these dogs. Ted is a great pup, and is developing into a fine bird dog.

Jan Zarebicki said...


An added element to your blog, Suzy Wong now has whelped 2 Champions, the other from a repeat breeding of Riley namely, the newly crowned 2008 North Carolina Shooting Dog Champion Ravenwood Pot A Gold owned by John May and his daughter.

Jan Zarebicki

Unknown said...

I have Suzy out of Keystone Pale Ryder and Keystone Red Rage. What a great dog. She will be a great hunting companion and an amature trialer.
Bob Hickey

Mike Spies said...


An aside about High Definition... he also sired Ch Jetsetter, possibly the best AA setter in the country right now.

That See Johnny Run blood has put a lot of birdiness and run into his get. And it seems to work well with the dam side of Lacey's pedigree.

Mike Spies said...


Ted (Wenaha High Ryder) notched another win in late May in Open Walking Shooting Dog here in Central California. Did a very nice job just a week before his third birthday.