Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Partner, New Name.

Yard training is not too exciting but its about the only activity with bird dogs in the summer. But one item of activity; Bill Henke now co-owns Montera's Rock with Phil Gould of Bernardsville, NJ and Rock's name has been changed to Keystone's Red Rock.

Quite often we get asked the question, "where is that High Definition litter?" They are out there doing good in all kinds of conditions across the country. We know Rock and Ted for sure will be showing up at some trials next season. And attached above is a picture of 'Lu' owned by Dale Herndon in MI. 'Lu' is a littermate to Montera's Rock (Keystone's Red Rock) and Mike Spies's Wenaha's High Rider (Ted). Dale has not been field trialing 'Lu' but enjoys training her on birds in the back yard and working her on wild birds around his camp in the northern LP of Michigan and says she is doing great as his hunting dog and has contemplated a try at trialing. Combined, these three littermates have been 'wild' bird hunted on woodcock, grouse, chukar, sharptails, hungarian partridge, pheasant, valley quail, scaled quail and OK/TX bobwhite quail. All wild birds and all with great success in addition to their field trial wins.


Mike Spies said...

Craig - does Rock have any placements yet? Are you going to breed him? To who? When?


Craig Peters Warrens, WI 443-206-1091 said...

Mike _

Plans are to breed Rock to Keystone's Pale Ryder most likely in November 2008 for January 2009 pups. Pale Ryder is by Tug Hill Raven out of a Stillmeadow's Jim ex Ecker's Midnight Light female. She has comming derby age pups on the ground now and this will be Rock's first breeding. Contact Bill Henke for more info.


Craig Peters Warrens, WI 443-206-1091 said...

Rock's Record is 4-0-0 with 2 derby and 2 SD placements.


Mike Spies said...


Trial season is now underway here. Began last weekend in Oakdale, CA. Ted ran in the last brace as a bye dog - about 90 degrees on the ground. Aside from one pass through a cattle trough, he did well enough to impress the judges - "That's a Hell of a bird dog you have there!" said one. But no finds in the dry heat, so no cigar for Ted that day. I will post pictures on my site as soon as I get them scanned.

One more trial before we head for North Dakota, Montana, and NE Oregon in about 5 weeks. for sharp-tails, Huns, Chuckar and ruffed and blue grouse. And looking forward to trialing when we return in November with Ted and his 'nephew' Wenaha Tomahawk.

Dale Hernden said...

Lu is an incredible bird dog with all the class style and speed to be a winner. I swore to myself that I would not get back into trials but with her its sure tempting.

Whats happened to the rest of the litter? How many pups were there?

Mike Spies said...

I have the same question as Dale - what's up with the rest of the pups?

BTW, Ted has also hunted, found, pointed and handled ruffed grouse and blue grouse, and will be hunting With me in ND, MT, OR starting next weekend. In December we are going to hunt the only species of quail in the US that I have not yet hunted... Mearn's quail. Film later.

Ted and his nephew, Tommy will be trialing this Fall and coming Spring.

Craig Peters Warrens, WI 443-206-1091 said...

Dale/Mike -

As far as I know one male pup is still with the Forman's and I think their Dad keeps it in the house. They liked it performance wise but I believe its tail had issues related to field trialing (sickle and pump handle). One big male is a farm pet on the Eastern shore. He is 55-60 lbs and the owners love him. Other than he is a solid piece of muscle I have no idea what he looks like but they love him, great personality. Larry Craig/Ecker had a big male that they washed out due to tail issues but they said the dog did everything naturally. Phil Gould had a small one that he washed out. And Mike Traxler had a small male he washed out, it was very high strung. You know about Bill Henke's, he is the best one for trials I know (that was a rib at Mike BTW).
