Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Thousand Words

I like this picture. One of those thousand word shots but is a good representation of the infatuation that draws us to bird dogs. Man’s infatuation with nature and awe struck admiration for a pointing dog’s senses and abilities, abilities that we can never experience, to conquer nature with that mesmerizing control over a pinned bird. OR...... Mike could just be looking at Ted thinking, “Man what the hell is the matter with you today!” 1,000 words you can fill in!


Dale Hernden said...

"Ted, in this high country, its a mystery to me how you could get so muddy!"

Mike Spies said...

I am just sitting there resting the legs and thinking how lucky I am to have Ted as a hunting buddy. I admire his intensity.

Dale, Ted can find mud ANYWHERE. He goes to the closest mudhole and lays down to cool off.

The photo was taken in Montana by my friend Will Pennington.